Dr. Lívia Szilvási Law Firm is an expert in professional legal solutions.
About us
Our office is located in the XIV. district of Budapest, which is easily accessible and provides a pleasant, cultured location for the reception of our clients, legal consultations, business negotiations, contract negotiations of high quality, discreetly.
In the fields of business law, real estate law and employment law, our clients are mainly domestic small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as municipal-owned companies and service providers operating in various areas of the construction and real estate development, trade and service sectors.
We have been working with most of our regular clients for several years or decades with mutual satisfaction and our client base is constantly growing.
With ad hoc assignments, we assist our entrepreneurial and private clients in solving tasks of paramount importance and complexity, in creating and implementing mutually satisfactory cooperation and successful “win-win” transactions, and solving their legal problems which are requiring special expertise as well.
In the framework of legal representation, we provide general legal representation to our Clients on a permanent basis in order to ensure that their contracts are complying with their expectations and that the operation of their business and the success of their business are not hindered by legal problems.
On an ad hoc basis, we provide time- and cost-effective solutions to our clients’ specialised and high-priority matters, transactional work, litigation and extra-judicial representation.
We provide legal advice on an ad hoc basis, including drafting opinions and guidance, and on request, we provide in-person or online legal consultations to our clients in order to answer their questions and find effective solutions to their problems. Különös figyelmet fordítunk arra, hogy jogi tanácsaink maximálisan összhangban legyenek Ügyfeleink üzleti elvárásaival és a mindenkori jogszabályok kínálta lehetőségekkel. We take particular care to ensure that our legal advice is as consistent as possible with our clients’ business requirements and the opportunities offered by the current legislation.

Office manager lawyer
“A deal, a contract is not just a piece of paper (…). Freedom is not the freedom to break a contract, not the freedom to do untold harm. Freedom in our society is the freedom to choose wisely.”
/Vilmos Csányi/
Life is a series of goals, plans, decisions and agreements, the creation, modification and termination of cooperation…
But it is important how and with what effectiveness!
I believe and confess that
- with a sense of vocation and professional commitment and responsibility,
- high level and constantly renewing legal knowledge,
- innovative adaptation to a rapidly changing legal environment,
- efficient, precise and reliable work,
- decisive action, creativity and flexibility,
- customer-oriented, with an empathetic attitude
there is a solution to every individual and corporate legal problem, successful agreements can be reached in any area of life, and profitable, secure businesses and successful, fruitful contractual relationships can be established in the business sphere.
It is in this spirit, with unwavering dedication and enthusiasm, that I do my job and help my Clients.